Friday, September 13, 2013

Beamz by Flo Rida

Check out the new Beamz by Flo Rida that just launched on the Mac App Store. Just a great Mac app that integrates with the Beamz by Flo Rida instrument. It's our first Mac app that integrates with a USB device (as well as Bluetooth Low Energy forthcoming). Tremendous team effort to get it launched!

It's a very addictive experience and is a lot of fun to use! It just sucked me in to keep playing and experimenting with it. I was using a prototype, but can't wait for the production versions! Awesome gift for the Holidays coming up!

The app can be used without the device to get a feel for what it would be like without the instrument, and there's also a version for iOS devices that uses Bluetooth Low Energy on the iOS App Store (launched in August).

Monday, September 2, 2013

Slicy Photoshop Export Better Than Cake

For iOS and Android projects we're constantly having to export Photoshop designs to the individual assets. It gets very tedious to use the Slice Tool in Photoshop to manually draw boxes around all the assets you want exported and to hide/show groups to get the right transparency and backgrounds.
Well, if you're still doing it this way I have a recommendation! Slicy which is just plain awesome. It's the best $29 I've ever spent.

Take a look at the "How it works" video on that page, but in a nutshell you name your Groups or Assets in a Photoshop file as Foo@2x.png and Slicy will perfectly slice these from the layers and export both the 2x and 1x image sizes. You still have to make sure that the designs use even pixels, but otherwise it works great. That's it. Done. It can even export automatically every time a change is made to the Photoshop file.

We even use it on Android even though it's originally built for iOS. We will use Foo.png instead of the iOS naming of @2x.png (with the designs made for xxhdpi with a resolution of 1080x1920). We then take the directory we had Slicy to export to and use a our android shell script ( to export these to all the other dpi's.